Jacques Robert Gesret and the Gesret Method
The Gesret Method
Jacques Gesret
At the end of 1984, when I had discovered the mechanism that is at the basis of this pathology, I settled in Bayonne. Since then, I have successfully treated several thousand asthmatics, while improving my method day after day. I also write my observations regularly and deposit them with the National Library of Paris..
Jacques R. Gesret 29 – 10 – 1941
research on the pathologies of the immune system
Honoris Causa of the Montreal Academy of Osteopathy
Work available at the Library of the National Academy of Medicine, Paris
National Bibliothèque de Paris, Library of Bordeaux
In memory of my son Franck (1964-1974)
a victim of asthma on his tenth birthday.
On July 15, 1974, my son Franck died on his tenth birthday. He suffered a severe asthma attack and then an overdose of the asthma medication theophylline, as the result of a pharmacist's mistake; he gave us adult-strength suppositories rather than a dose suitable for children.
The following pages detail the barriers and resistance I have encountered in dealing with the medical establishment in my determination to help other asthma sufferers through physical therapy rather than medication.
By 1984, my research files were impressive, but in trying to publicize these findings I found myself blocked by the medical establishment. This was in spite of my volume of research and the fact that I had experienced much success and collaboration with individual doctors. Further, I consider the work I had done to have resulted in a genuine clinical discovery, rather than a process to be classed as "alternative medicine."
Then came the Internet. The first version of this site began because I had vowed to find a way for people with asthma to achieve better health. I decided to find the means to:
- provide therapy for asthmatics in France;
- teach people, locally and globally - especially in Third World countries - how to provide physical therapy for asthmatics; and
- build clinics in some of those countries.
To a large extent, my dream became a reality in 1999.
One day a Mexican man named Francisco discovered this site and e-mailed me, asking for help for his asthmatic son. The outcome was that in October 1999 I flew to Mexico, and was driven to the village of Huixquilucan. A week later, after studying under me and working to my direction, seven residents were able to provide relief to 45 local people afflicted with asthma, including seven-year-old Panchito.
Today, Panchito no longer struggles for breath. And because of the support of people brought together through my site, I see a bridge leading from Franck's death to Panchito's life. As of now, early in the year 2000, I am going on 59 years of age. But am ready to give anything and everything to achieve my dreams. Then, one day, I will be able to say that my son did not die in vain.
On the Mexico page there is a pictorial story of my initial Mexican adventure, and to see a partial list of those who helped make this cross-cultural bridge a reality, please see the Thanks page.
The medical literature consistently points to errors in medication, as occurred in my son's case, as the principal cause of death in asthmatic children. However, after 11 years of often humiliating legal procedures, I was not successful in bringing my complaint against the pharmacist who was responsible for the error. In fact, I was condamné aux dépens, a French legal expression which means that I was condemned to repay the adversary's legal expenses incurred in his defense against my suit.
The judgment went against me because the Judge had asked the expert witnesses: "Could the medicine have been the cause of death?" And the experts had answered: "Yes, it could have been the cause of death." The problem was the word "could", which allowed room for doubt. When I later questioned them about this they said, "Well, if the Judge had asked: 'Was the medicine the reason for the death?', we would have answered 'Yes, it was the cause of death!"
It seems that these experts took advantage of the subtleties of one word in a sentence in order to avoid becoming responsible for one of their fellows being condemned to pay 35,000 F in damages, as codified in French civil justice laws. Never mind that they thus effectively ridiculed the findings regarding asthmatics and drug overdoses in all the medical literature!
The doctor who ordered this medicine did not even know it was no longer manufactured in a lighter dosage for children only. Both the doctor and the pharmacist should have known that as of 1972 - two years before Franck's death - the drug had ceased to be used for children at all, because of the dangers it presented.
The doctor's behaviour in this business was wretched; he gave false
evidence, so incredible that it was rejected by the experts. I created
Web pages reporting this insane comedy in great detail, but for the sake
of decency I abstained from posting them on the Website. Too many
memories are still bleeding in me!
On the other hand, if I am asked, I can easily deliver all the details of
the business:
- the bias of the medical community
- the attitude of the Justice system
- the betrayal of my lawyer, who was provided by the Department of Justice
- the pharmaceutical trade union, which had all the evidence
However, I believe it is useless to continue to wallow in the past. Now, only the future counts.
My research since 1984, investments, and this Internet site have been
financed by my own work, which guarantees total independence from any
commercial or corporate entity.
I encountered difficulties with the ruling medical authorities, rather
than with individual doctors, with whom I quite enjoy working. I am open
to medical contacts from all domains and am willing to defend all my
work and prove its accuracy, because I consider it a clinical discovery rather than an alternative medicine.
An original study on the origins of visceral or cutaneous pathologies :
allergy, asthma, eczema, psoriasis.
This theory is the starting point of work begun in 1984, and is directed
towards the observation of the structural anomalies which are the
subject of this study. They all present physical points in common and
consistent differences from the norm or ideal.
By ruling out completely traditional concepts, new light has been shone
on the origin of these handicapping pathologies, and on the simple
technical means to cure it through manipulation of the originating
structure. For example; if the aural function is deficient, the expert
will explore the structure of the ear because this is where the cause
generally lies. This assumption is accepted within traditional medicine.
Typically, the medical establishment has been satisfied with a functional investigation only, never taking the further step of exploring the patient's physical structure! In other words, the doctors are dealing only with the effects or symptoms, and not with the origins of the pathology.
For the medical terms below, see the Glossary.
However, analysis of the thoracic structure, which undoubtedly controls respiratory function, reveals that asthmatics consistently suffer from a particular systemic anomaly: a hemithorax presents a lack of ampliation due to the fact that it is in position of fixed posteriority compared to the other. This hemithorax always presents a series of chondrocostal subluxations of the first three ribs (on the right side in over 90% of cases, on the left side or bi-lateral in the remaining10%). Very simply put: Due to some of the ribs being misaligned, breathing is too shallow.
It has been found that a rhythmic pressure over the chondrocostal subluxation of the second or third rib will trigger an asthma attack within in a few seconds, in a person who has this abnormality. However, my studies have also revealed that there is another point which, when stimulated, puts an end to an attack within just a few breaths. Its effectiveness is remarkable, and it costs nothing!
Site Organization
There are two sections which consist of articles that have been
published in various other publications, one for health professionals
and the other for the general reader. This includes an explanation for
the recent marked increase in asthma in children.
Another section deals with the difficulties I have encountered since
1985, in trying to have my work acknowledged. Innumerable steps have
been taken with political leaders, health ministers, presidents, prime
ministers, health care specialists, DGSE, magazines, newspapers,
associations, etc... What an attitude they have!
My discovery, which makes it possible to cure asthmatic patients with
just three or four hours of physical therapy, and which is within the
capability of any number of physiotherapists, does not seem to be of
interest to any of them.
In all my efforts, I have asked only for one simple thing: to present my
work in front of a scientific commission comprising lung specialists,
allergists, dermatologists and specialists in neurophysiology.
This request has been refused for fourteen years!
I do not like controversy. I prefer to be able to present my work professionally and calmly. It is, after all, worthy of dignified, studious attention.
However, after reviewing all the steps taken since 1985, I have decided to never again request the "benevolent attention" of anyone. This fabulous tool for the dissemination of information, the Internet, allows freedom from the changing mood of the mainstream media, which has refused to publish the smallest phrase about my work as it relates to asthma. Now I am free to inform without constraint, simply by publishing the one part of my work that I hope will reach :
- researchers,
- health practitioners, and
- patients who may recognize themselves in my descriptions.
And perhaps then I may also attract the attention of people willing to
invest in my project:
The creation of a specialised centre to discover a cure for these
pathologies !
all projects that are realized were initially dreamed ?