Gesret method : some concepts of neurophysiology
Repercussion on the surface of a deep fit
By surface we mean in a segmentary way the rachis, the skin, the muscles, and by deep we mean the internal organs under control of the myélomère.
The different transverse sections of the thorax of Lazorthes (Guy Lazorthes: "the peripheral nervous system." Masson 1981; pp 249,241; fig 212, 213, 214) are just right to point out the innervation of the mobile segment of Junghanns and the importance of the role played by the posterior and former branches of the rachidian nerve as well as the sinu-vertebral nerve. But the author speaks about the concept of pains of visceral origin projected to the skin, and of the parietal reflex contraction:
- "the attack of an internal organ can result into a 'reported pain' which is projected into the parietal cutaneous territory called dermatome, which corresponds to the medullary segment or myélomère the sensitive tracts of the internal organ end up" (Id Guy Lazorthes; p 317).
- One parietal reflexcontraction represents the response of the driving neurons of the myelomero corresponding to the sympathetic irritate centripede tracts. (Id Guy Lazorthes; p 317)
The most famous illustration is the point of Mac Burney which meets with a neurological precision with the 1/3 inferior and the 2/3 superiors on the way of a line linking the antero higher right-hand side iliac spine to the umbilical point, and whatever the localisation of the irritated appendix.
Deep repercussion of an attack of surface
If projection to the skin and the muscles of a visceral attack are familiar sights, we still have to know what the authors think of the opposite phenomenon, the repercussion on an internal organ of a reflex-dermalgia of Jarricot and or one contraction:
- "an action on a zone of cutaneous projection can relieve the pain of a deep organ "(Id Guy Lazorthes; p 317) ..."
- The irritation or the compression of the elements of the hole of conjugation by different disturbances of the intervertebral joint is responsible for many painful disorders, of rachidian origin." (Robert Maigne: "Pains of vertebral origin and processing by handling" French Scientific Expansion, 1977).
Test of synthesis
We foresee the eminent role of the sympathetic nerve system and more
particularly of the ganglion laterovertebral: since it allows the
peripheral projection of an autonomous impulse, but it remains subjected
to the former hypothalamic action.
This is of primary neurological interest. Thanks to him, we can now
succinctly define the three neurological entities:
- The myotome, governed by the somatic motoneurone
- The viscerotome governed by the autonomous motoneurone
- The dermatome, governed by the juxtaposition of the exteroceptive protoneurone and the peripheral deutoneurone.
All three depend on the same medullar segment or myelomere.
To avoid confusion, this is the explanation of the reflexotherapie, which is the translation of the old Chinese acupuncture on the basis of our Western assets of embryo-anatomo-immuno-neurophysiology.
Role of the autonomous system on the breathing apparatus
Illustration extracted from "Acupuncture and osteopathy: neurophysiological truth "
The sympathetic system being in first line, lets us revise its function
specific to the level of the three thoracic first metameres. Once more
Lazorthes enlightens us:
- according to the majority of the authors (Brodie, Braeucker, Danielopolu) the parasympathetic fibres come from pneumogastric are bronchoconstrictrices; the fibres sympathetic nerves come from 2nd and 3rd dorsal medullary segment and which cross the spangled ganglion and the thoracic ganglia are bronchodilatatrices. (id Guy Lazorthes ; p355)
Our neurophysiological explanation:
- Sympathetic and parasympathetic balance is broken because of a segmentary irritation of the sympathetic chain, the factors of risk of a bronchoconstriction with increase in secretions are in the foreground, and the asthma attack is close.
Note: by experience, the fibres resulting from the 2nd thoracic stage would especially have a bronchodilatarice function and the fibres resulting from the 3rd stage, a secreting function. The constant association of a subluxation chondrocostale of the second coast and one asthma to the effort, as well as the constant association of a subluxation of the 3rd coast and of bronchitis asthmatiforme, gives strength to my assertion.
The parasympathetic system can also be irritated by various causes which we will consider: arc reflex enters the auricular nerve and X nerve, between the glossopharyngien and the X nerve, information phantom by Occipital/Atlas compression.
A rhythmic pressure exerted on the painful point of the subluxation chondrocostale (posteriorized, practically always on the right) of 2nd or 3rd rib, during major inspirations, almost instantaneously provokes an asthma attack on a subject carrying this pathology. On the other hand, massage of the painful point under the armpit usually stops the crisis immediately (see detailed explanation below).
Stop of the asthma attack
A slow and intense massage, exerted on the perforating side intercostal
branch, on the side opposed to the point of release, during major
inspirations makes it possible to obtain quasi-immediate sedation of the
attack of asthma (from a few seconds to one minute). This point is
located on the axiliary line, just at the beginning of the armpit (90%
on the left, 10% on the right or bilateral), as it is painful it causes
a reflex of "faces" and avoidance as soon as it is detected using the
Apart from any crisis, there remains practically always a "residual
respiratory embarrassment": the massage of the point (sometimes of both
if there is both a subluxation chondrocostale of 2nd and 3rd rib)
releases the thoracic ampliation in some deep inspirations. Its effectiveness is astonishing
Note: each time I have an asthmatic on the telephone, to provide him/her with proof of the exactitude of my work, I have him/her search for its point "under the left armpit" and ask him/her to massage it while inspiring deeply. With each inspiration, the ampliation increases and the "noises" of respiratory difficulties decrease as much. No need to describe the reactions and comments of the person on the phone!
The neurophysiological study necessary to show the basic mechanism which connects the postural attitude, the articular restrictions of mobility which result from this, their effect on the nervous mechanisms of the peripheral and central system, as well as the reaction of these systems on the immune system, required ten years of research.
Since 1985 I had suspected, and so indicated in my written work, that all the systems were certainly closely overlapping:
- that the immune system depended on the central system and that its reactions were modulated and controlled according to the peripheral system's information (see publications).
In 1987, an American researcher, Marc E Gurney, highlighted a blood
neuropeptide named "neuroleukine" (Marc E Gurney. Science, 1986; pp 234,
556). This neuropeptide emitted by the system sympathetic nerve, in
certain circumstances, caused the survival of immature driving neurons
of the spinal cord and of sensitive neurons of the spinal ganglia, as
well as the differentiation of the lymphocytes B in producing cells of
antibody (Marc E Gurney: " The neuroleukine, nervous and immunising
messenger." Search, 1987; 186: 386, 387, 388).
In 1995, the work of Goodkin on the psychoneuroimmunology shows that:
- the neurogene command of the immune system travels through two great tracts: the sympathetic efference nerves and the neuro-endocrinien hypothalamo-hypophysaire axis
- a central or peripheral paralysis, deteriorates the traditional
topographic symmetry of the polyarthritis rhumatoïde by "protecting" the
overdrawn member from the development of new articular lesions
(R. Ader and coll: "Psychoneuroimmunology: interactions betwen the nervous system and the immune system ". Lancet, 1995; 345; 99-103. Abstract neuro and psychiatrist, 1995; 129: 15-16)